Studies Works News Info

June 2024

Andrea Bardi's article “Feeling the invisible: Sound as a sculpture, with the dreamscape pushing at the limits of technology” released on Inside Art Magazine 131

March 2024

Selected as part of the official residency program at MUSEO NOVECENTO Firenze

October 2023

Invited together with curator Caterina Angelucci to realise several interventions for Pesaro Italian Capital of Culture 2024

September 2023

Andreoni was awarded the DucatoPrize Academy Award (DP23)

December 2022

Pontifical Academies Prize of the Vatican – Virtuosi del Pantheon, shortlisted and special mention as the only visual artist among architecture studios.

November 2022

The catalog “Chicago Works and Studies 2020-2022” with an essay by Dr Michael J. Golec ‘Chicago Techniques’ was published.

October 2022

Nominated Meisterschüler of Susan Philipsz 2022-2024.

September 2022

Andreoni’s commissioned work Untitled (2022): was permanently installed at an architecture studio in Woodstock, IL.

June 2022

Alba Sonic Arts Residency artist at ESS Experimental Sound Studio Chicago.

May 2022

MFA (Master of Fine Arts) in Sound Art and minor Architecture at The Art Institute of Chicago.

November 2021

Andreoni’s solo show: SHIFT presented within the official partner program of the 4th Chicago Architecture Biennial: The Available City.

October 2021

Winner of the Graduate Dean Professional Development Preis

June 2021

Review on Art das Kunstmagazin / Starter by Larissa Kikol

May 2020

Friedrich Andreoni was granted a research stipend from the DAAD and the Art Institute of Chicago to study and research two years in the United States.

August 2019

Andreoni’s second permanent work in public space Gothic Arches-Composition (2019): was permanently installed in Bad-Saarrow, Brandenburg, Germany

April 2019

Winner of Apulia Center for Art and Technology Prize

March 2018

Friedrich Andreoni becomes member of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes.

April 2017

Andreoni’s first permanent work in public space Entfernungen (2017): was permanently installed at Kastela Art Center, Piraeus, Greece.